Comparing the decades
Population of Allen County
1990 300,836
1997 312,091*
National population
1990 249,439,545
1997 267,636,061
Percentage of high school graduates (U.S. adults)
1990 77.6***
1996 82.8***
Life expectancy at birth (U.S.)
1990 75.4
1996 76.1
Annual murder rate per 100,000 (U.S.)
1990 9.4
1996 7.4
* 1997 estimate by the U.S. Bureau of the Census;
**as of July 1, 1997;
***percent of people 25 years and older who have completed four years of high school or more;
Today's figures are the most recent numbers available.
Sources: "1998 Statistical Abstract," "Historical Statistics of the U.S," and "U.S. Bureau of the Census."
Research by James Grant of The News-Sentinel