Free 4 line, 3 day ads!
Please use this form to construct your ad(s). The ad can not be longer then 60 characters. Ad should include: item description, cost of the item, (must be under $1000) and a telephone number or street address. Fort Wayne Newspapers reservers the right to change or reject any ad for any reason. Ads will be published as available. We cannot guarantee nor reserve a date of publication.
  • Ads may contain one item only, and its selling price must be less than $1000.
  • Ads are only available to customers in good standing.
  • Only 2 ads can run for one household at a time.
  • Ads will run at our discretion (cannot be 'scheduled' by the customer). We cannot guarantee the ads will start or stop by a certain day, nor run on a certain day.
  • Ads will run three consecutive days, at our discretion.
  • Ads cannot be longer than 4 lines, and will not run longer than 3 days.
  • Ads must be mailed, sent by form below, or delivered in-person to our office. No ads will be accepted over the phone or fax.
  • Ad content is subject to editing/refusal by Fort Wayne Newspapers.
  • All ads MUST contain the selling price of the item.
  • No pet or autos ads are allowed.
  • Bargain Basement ads are for personal use only. No commercial ads will be accepted.
  • Ads will appear online at
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  * Yes, I am 13 years of age or older. The Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) requires us to ask you the following question about your age.
* Required fields.